Apex Legends sequel not planned, Respawn focuses on improving the game

This is a big year for Apex Legends. Respawn’s hit battle royale game kicks off 2024, celebrating its fifth anniversary with an in-game event that offers free rewards and allows easy access to one of the game’s rarest currencies, a move that has been met with fanfare by players Appreciated. Respawn also redesigned the battle pass system, a move that resulted in angry gamer and plummeting Steam ratings. But rather than taking the same route as other live shooters and releasing a sequel, EA reiterated its commitment to perfecting the game in its current form.

“We didn’t see the increased monetization we expected following the changes to the battle pass structure,” EA CEO Andrew Wilson said. said on a recent earnings call. “We will continue to focus on the retention and breadth of content to serve our global community and strive to achieve more significant and innovative changes in the future.”

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When asked about the possibility of a sequel, Wilson immediately dismissed the idea.

“Typically, what we see in the context of large-scale real-time service-driven games is that ‘Second Edition’ is almost never as successful as ‘First Edition,'” Wilson explained, possibly referring to Overwatch 2 Some of the content has struggled recently. “Really, the goal now is to make sure that we continue to support the global player base that we have and provide them with new, innovative, creative content season after season and build these other things, but in a way that players don’t have to give up what they’ve achieved or the investment they put into existing ecosystems.”

For the past two years, EA and Respawn have gone back and forth on plans for a single-player game set in the Apex Legends/Titanfall universe, before eventually canceling it (and then canceling it again). So it makes sense that players and investors might expect the series to follow in the footsteps of live shooters like Overwatch and Destiny with a sequel. But Wilson’s announcement shouldn’t come as a surprise – EA has a The game’s 10 to 15 year planin which the publisher also noted this fact Previous conference calls and earnings reports.

Wilson said of EA’s refusal to rebuild a game: “Anytime we put our global community of players in a situation where they have to choose between the investments they’ve made to date and the innovation and creativity of the future, that’s never going to put our community at risk. A great place to get stuck in.” Ground side up. “Our goal is to continue to innovate the core (gameplay) experience and then create more opportunities to participate in different game modes beyond what the current core mechanics offer. We think we can do both of those things together, and we I don’t think we have to Experience separation to do that. ”

Respawn is starting a major revamp of the game in 2023, with one of the game’s creepiest characters getting an (arguably creepier) makeover and a new set of abilities starting with the launch of Season 18. 2024 saw larger changes to the game’s meta, such as the addition of visible enemy health bars and the introduction of a legendary upgrade system. So while Apex Legends 2 isn’t here yet, Respawn has already begun the process of bringing the game to life, and Wilson’s comments suggest Apex will continue to develop for the foreseeable future.

By Tammy

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